conference scholarship application
Our affiliates have committed to creating access for our members. Resources from both GPACAC and MOACAC are available high school counselors seeking funding to attend the Annaul Conference in 2020. The grant and scholarship opportunities are intended for high school counselors who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend professional development opportunities due to financial constraints. Funds may be available to cover conference registration cost, pre-conference session cost, overnight accomodations, and/or travel expenses. Please be detailed in your request.
Deadline to apply: Feb. 1, 2020 [recipients will be notified mid-February]
Deadline to apply: Feb. 1, 2020 [recipients will be notified mid-February]
GPACAC Members: Application is closed for the 2020 Conference. Funds will be available for NACAC 2020 and GPACAC 2021 (Super Conference in Dallas, TX).